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POL048 Complaint Management Policy

Updated June 2024

Ruling the management of Complaints

PRO048 Complaint Management Procedure

Updated June 2024

Describing the process filing a complaint

Complaints & Appeals
PRO200 Facilitation Fund Procedure

Updated in August 2022

Hands-on: how to apply to the HQAI Facilitation Fund

Mohammed Ezaldeen
Qassem Saad
Independent verification
The HQAI on-boarding process for organisations
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Consultancy: HR audit & advisory services

June 2024
We are currently seeking to hire an HR consultant.

HQAI Facilitation Fund
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Does the humanitarian sector need an Ombudsman?

September 2018

Initiatives to strengthen quality and accountability have been launched and mechanisms have been institutionalised. The state of play today.

Accountability and Transparency
The Independent Verification Experience of WVI

January 2022

"We have always wanted to put affected people at the centre, enforcing the 9 Commitments of the Standard. Donors are increasingly demanding that quality assurance mechanisms be in place, and if we can streamline them across the sector, then we believe that CHS is the one."

Takaful Alsham's CHS certification journey

March 2021

"Since the audit, we pay more attention to how we share information and set-up complaint channels," says Mohammed Ezeldeen, Takaful Alsham.

HQAI Certification process against the CHS

January 2024

The Key to Successful Humanitarian and Development Initiatives: Learn more about it.

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Consultancy: Review of HQAI’s complaint and appeal mechanisms

January 2024

We are currently seeking to hire a consultant who can review HQAI's complaint and appeal mechanisms.

Benefits of CHS Verification for Donor Due Diligence: less duplication, another step towards localisation

May 2022

During the 2022 Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks (HNPW) organised by OCHA, HQAI and CHSA held the session “Benefits of CHS Verification for Donor Due Diligence: less duplication, another step towards localisation”. The aim was to give the floor to representatives of key stakeholders in the aid sector -more specifically auditors, representatives of local NGOs and donors- to hear about already existing solutions to the challenges linked to donor due diligence alignment and localisation.


Take their word for it.