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Certified partners are the humanitarian and development organisations that use one of our services: certification against the CHS.

This service offers independent and objective assurance that an organisation or a group of organisations meet the requirements specified in the CHS, good practices or commitments.

Use the search function below to explore all our certified partners!

You can read the audit reports of each organisation, explore when they were certified and learn more about each organisation.

Certified partners

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Trócaire is an agency of the Irish Catholic Church. They are an Irish member of the Caritas Internationalis federation.

World Relief

World Relief is a global Christian humanitarian organisation that partners with local churches and communities to develop sustainable, locally-driven solutions to some of the world's most urgent problems.

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World Renew

World renew embraces a family-centered approach to ending global poverty with food security, peace and justice, economic livelihood and health.


ZOA is the first-ever Dutch NGO to achieve certification against the CHS.