Stand by HQAI
Board members reaching out
What a pressure on our members from the Americas, where HQAI is hardly (ok, let's be frank: not) known at all, where no audited organisation can speak up in favour of independent quality assurance, where no convinced donor can open doors. But why should this stop us? Board member Maria Emilia Correa started from scratch and reached out to her network with the very basics: who is HQAI and why do they exist? Thanks to Maria Emilia, HQAI made it into the Harvard Advanced Leadership Initiative Newsletter and gave us Tweets to share.
Board member Daniel Hitzig lives in Switzerland. Easy-breezy, one might think: Switzerland is a donor, it is the "residence" of HQAI ... But it is not that easy, in the end.
Daniel will help us change that. He published an article on his blog asking the very bold question: HQAI? Pardon me? The article is a very pleasant read, smooth, interesting without the boring details. German-speakers, have a look here. Non-German speakers: write one in your language :-). And how nice to see that Daniel mentions his membership to HQAI's Board of Directors in his Twitter bio. It is all about visibility.

Listen to the auditors
Our series "insights from auditors" continues and we are very pleased to have Cath Blunt and Sarah Kambarami speak about their experiences in such a particular COVID-year.
Sarah and Cath both give very personal feedback about how they "live" their jobs as auditors. Struggling with home schooling and sometimes awkward remote auditing timings, composing with virtual office visits in country offices and deeply missing the personal touch and non-verbal communication in audits.
But what a heartfelt pleasure we sense when they talk about speaking to communities, seeing organisations harness the learnings, macro and micro improvements for aid to become better.
Thank you for these beautiful insights which we proudly shared on all our social media channels.
Are you getting inspired?
We share these pieces for multiple reasons - to thank the interested parties for being proactive and supportive, to share their genius insights with you and to sparkle ideas of how you can help us spread the word about HQAI in the future.
Ready for an interview? Give a shout to Annina, she is super good in this!
Social media gig? Mention HQAI and create interest from your audience. Look at the LinkedIn profile of Rayelene Govender, she tells the world that she is "on board" with HQAI.
Doors to open? We all have our networks and without a single doubt we all have one or two contacts that could be interesting for HQAI, whether it is for fundraising, for our audit services or for introducing us somewhere else.