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Independently verified partners are the humanitarian and development organisations that use one of our services: independent verification against the CHS.

This service is an independent and objective assurance that one or a group of organisations are making demonstrated, continuous and measurable progress applying the CHS, good practices or commitments. The requirement is that the most serious weaknesses in the application of the standard are eliminated within a three-year-cycle.

Use the search function below to explore all our independently verified partners!

You can read the audit reports of each organisation and learn more about each organisation.

Independently verified partners

Save the Children

In over 100 countries including the UK, we help children stay safe, healthy and learning.

Stichting Vluchteling.png
Stichting Vluchteling

The Refugee Foundation provides emergency aid to refugees and displaced people in the world’s most critical humanitarian crises.

Terre des Hommes Netherlands

Terre des Hommes Netherlands fight against child abuse, sexual exploitation, child trafficking, child labour and provide emergency assistance.

War Child Holland

War Child works exclusively to improve the resilience and well-being of children living with violence and armed conflict. They empower children worldwide.

Women Empowerment Action

Women Empowerment – Action (WE-Action) is a women’s right organisation that works for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.

World Vision

World Vision is the largest child-focused private charity in the world. 34,000+ staff members work in nearly 100 countries