Johnny O'Regan

Johnny qualified as a chartered accountant in 1994 and worked in several internal audit and financial management positions in the USA before returning to Ireland to complete a masters in development studies in 2001. Since then he has provided financial management and other consultancy services to a range of clients in the development and humanitarian fields.
He spent several years providing drawdown consultancy services to the Evaluation and Audit of Irish Aid, working with internal systems and procedures, bilateral arrangements and civil society partners. He has also provided consultancy services to a range of other donors, including DFAT Australia (AusAid), DFID, European Commission, ECHO, Sida, UNICEF, and the World Bank.
Assignments included audits (compliance, financial and systems), performance audits/VFM studies, strategic planning, organisational assessments, fraud investigations, appraisals of funding applications, and evaluations.
Most recently, Johnny has been working with UNICEF clusters, strategic planning and undertaking cost effectiveness analyses. He works as an independent consultant with the Humanitarian Quality Assurance Initiative (HQAI) undertaking audits and verifications of quality management systems to ensure that they meet accountability commitments under the Core Humanitarian Standard.
Ideally: objective, insightful and progressive